25 Funny New Year 2025 Status, Jokes and Captions to Wish with Pics

I know you will update your status on New Year’s eve to wish everyone on your list with your own words but your status might be ignored by your friends because of a high number of wishes on their walls and their tags. They may be not shown so much engagement on your wish so if you want to make your New Year status engageable, do something funny. I have the best collection of the latest Funny statuses that you can use to update your status on almost all social sites like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Instagram. We have already published separate articles on each social site status for the upcoming New Year event.

New Year 2024 Jokes Funny




For you, If you’re resolution is to be Positive!

Successfully Wasted 2023

Resolution to find the difference between wants and Needs

Being Single New Year 2024 Funny Quotes Jokes 1


Funny New Year 2025 Resolution Jokes and Messages for Facebook


This one is really funny because everyone is asking us about our new year resolution and we are like “Oh I will continue my previous one ;)”

Best Hilarious joke of the New Year 2025

For those, you like someone but have no guts to propose to her or him. Ask them for friendship on this New year.

This one is not funny actually, but missing someone special on Eve party.

feeling happy status

  • Don’t let the shadows of yesterday spoil the sunshine of tomorrow. Live for today.

  • New Year at the door remember, Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive Quickly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, Never regret anything that made you smile.

  • A life without love is like a year without summer.

You can also write some silly wishes for your friends and tag them in your caption. Few examples are given:

  • I wish you end up fighting less with your partner over TV remote this New Year.

  • I wish you finally learn how to use your Smartphone properly this New Year.

  • May god inspire you to finally enroll in that anger management course in New Year.

New Year 2025 Memes

Double meanings, tricky resolutions!

New Year is a Holiday created by Calendar’s vendors 

funny new years status 2019


Funny New Year Wishes Images

You can also add funny memes with jokes to make your caption more silly and funny that surely attract more followers and make your status too hot on the trends of 2025. Have fun and don’t forget to add your own words and ideas with our images. Stay tuned and explore this blog for amazing ideas. Thanks 😉